Dr. David Kates is a clinical nephrologist, practicing in Kelowna since 1998. He also practices Internal Medicine, and teaches diving medicine for CDI students taking the Diver Medic Technician (DMT/IMCA) program. Dr. Kates has a passion for diving, teaching and continuing his education as a Level 1 DMO. In September of 2019, Dr. Kates attended a UHMS course conducted in New Orleans and is working hard towards his Level 2 DMO. Dr. Kates holds membership in UHMS, and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Dr. David Kates is a key member of the CDI staff, whom over the past 4 years has worked with a significant number of closed bell and air divers taking the DMT program. If your in need of a Commercial Diving Medical please consider contacting Dr. Kates.